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NOTE:  We have canceled the event due to heavy rain in the forecast. Due to the long hikes for the day, we don’t want sawyer teams to get caught out in the middle of a heavy down pour. We’ll get them next time.

Thank You for signing up.

It’s gonna be a great day to meet up with other OTA Volunteers….but it’s not a date only the date of April 10!

Where:  We’ll be based out of the the OTA house in Potosi meeting up at 8:30 am.  TBD is where we will work.

Bring: Please remember to dress for the work and prepare for the weather by wearing long pants and hiking/work boots are required, as we are working on rough ground and using tools.  Bring a backpack to carry your lunch, water, raingear, sunscreen and bug deterrent.  Bring plenty of water (2 litres per person recommended) and remember to bring supplies for your fur buddies.  Also extra food and water for meals not covered by the OTA.  Don’t forget your camp chair for around the campfire at night.

Provided: PPE, hard hats, gloves, safety glasses and trail equipment to use on the trail.  Wearing a hard hat is required on the MTNF while volunteering on the OT.  Dinner will be provided on Saturday evening at the end of the work day. If you’d like to contribute a side or desert that would be awesome.

If you have any questions, please contact Terry Hawn at thawn@prodigy.net

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