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Here we go again — enjoying the fall season building the connection between Missouri and Arkansas.

We will again base out of the UDALL campground and will arrive Thursday evening and do prep on Friday. We’ll meet up at the Udall campground at 8:30 am on Saturday
and go to the build site from there.

The OTA will provide dinner on Saturday night and a pot luck breakfast on Sunday Morning.
Weather permitting we may also build on Sunday morning until 12:00 pm.

You are responsible for your meals on Friday and lunch on Saturday.There is water at the campsite and we will have extra drinking fluids as well.
But bring your own water supply just in case.

Primitive camping at the Udall campground is available  and we will have alternate camping arrangements as we get closer to the build date.

Bring Sturdy work shoes ( hiking boots), long pants and be prepared for hot weather.
Bring a lunch. We’ll provide the gloves, safety glasses, helmets and tools.

We are still being covid cautious so if you have been exposed to covid, been in a doctor’s office or hospital in the last 14 days prior to the event or you have symptoms consistent with covid please do not come out.

Contact Terry Hawn if you need more information.


314 920 6376


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