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Come join the OTA and David’s Trail in opening a new chapter; constructing new trail along Norfork Lake near the Arkansas / Missouri border. This yet to be named future section will form the “keystone” linking the Ozark Highlands Trail in Arkansas and the Ozark Trail in Missouri via David’s Trail.

We will be camping at the Corps of Engineers Udall campground and the construction site will be a short walk from the campground with the lake in view from any vantage point. Camping will be available Friday and Saturday nights. There will be toilet facilities but no running water (please bring a personal supply) as we are still officially in the campground’s “off season”. Please let us know in the comments when registering if you have dietary preferences.

The OTA will provide a meal Saturday afternoon immediately following the construction. Plan to hang around a bit and share some trail stories. There will be a voluntary “Pot-luck” breakfast Sunday morning.

For the build on Saturday, please bring a sack lunch, water and something to carry personal items to the trail. You will carry a trail tool in each hand so a small pack is recommended. The OTA will provide all tools that are needed. Please wear sturdy shoes to protect your feet – boots are preferred, tennis/running shoes are not sturdy enough. Dress in layers to be comfortable as you warm up on the trail and bundle up when the work is done. If you have work gloves, bring those as well. We will have some to share if you don’t have any.

Trail building can be like a good day of gardening. It can be strenuous but there are tasks that can be done by folks of all ages and abilities. Everyone works at their own pace under the guidance of trained Crew Leaders and the mantra we live by is “Be Safe, Have Fun, Build Trail!” Please feel free to send me a note with any questions! matt.atnip@ozarktrail.com

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