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Oh my the Forest is calling!  Time to head out and enjoy another day working on the Ozark Trail with some maintenance and more.  We will be meeting at the Hwy DD/32 trailhead at 8:30 am an from there head out to the section we will be working.

What you will need to bring:  A backpack with your lunch and snacks along with at least 2 liters of water.  Also anything else you would carry for a day hike.  Please be sure to wear sturdy boots, long pants and layer up to be prepared for various weather including rain.  The OTA will provide safety glasses (one time use), hard hats and any trail tools and power equipment.  Volunteers maybe asked to help carpool Saturday as well.

Please note we are still following Covid protocol and ask that if you have been exposed to Covid, visited a doctor’s office or hospital in the last 14 days prior to the event or you have symptoms consistent with Covid please do not come out.

Here are the link to th Meet up at Hwy D/32 Trail head:  https://www.google.com/maps/dir//32%2FDD+Ozark+Trail+Trailhead,+Belleview,+MO+63623/@37.6969999,-91.0347859,12z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x87d9946ae5f8a473:0xebb9ce3473cf6189!2m2!1d-90.9647454!2d37.6968848

We will have a meal at the end of the day and will determine what and where by the time of the event.

As always if you need more information please contact Terry Hawn at thawn@prodigy.net or at 314 920 6376.

Let’s enjoy the Forest together….

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