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Fall Whoopin’ It Up at Winona , 10/26/2019 starting at 08:30:00 AM

An OTA tradition…..Spend the weekend in the Winona area to give some love to the southern sections.  If you’ve never camped at Sinking Creek TH/cabin you are in for a treat!  This USFS facility has a huge level yard, electric and pit toilet but alas no water…sorry but we’ll have plenty!  Camping will be available for Friday and Saturday nights.  Work will be on Saturday and possibly Sunday.

Crews will be dispatched to various areas of the Eleven Point and Between the Rivers sections – to saw, lop, and repair sections in need. Volunteers will be asked to help car pool to the various sites and there are some drives up to 45 minutes.

You will need to dress for the weather and trail work.  Boots and layers of clothing work best.  You will also need to wear sturdy boots, have a backpack, rain gear, snacks and plenty of water.  If you have a favorite pair of loppers bring them along.  Dinner will be provided on Saturday night and if you’d like to help bring along a side dish to share or a desert.  We’ll throw together a communal breakfast Sunday morning.  Kathie will supply coffee needs if those attending can throw in breakfast fixings, i.e. eggs, ham, bread, fruit.

Questions? If you have any questions, please contact me, kathie.brennan@ozarktrail.com  Don’t hesitate to reach out via email.  See you soon!

Sinking Creek Lookout TH, Forest Road 3152, Ellsinore MO 63941

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