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Come out for a day or all week as we perform tread rehab n the Courtois and Trace Creek sections of the OT.

We’ll be working with the OTS and USFS Trail Crews fixing tread in several locations on the trail.

We’ll be based out of the OTA House in Potosi, Mo. and car pool out to the work locations from there.

We will be observing covid procedure as follows:

  • If you have cold, flu or covid symptoms — please do not come out
  • If you have been exposed to anyone with the above symptoms in the last 14 days — please do not come out
  • If you have been in any medical facility in the last 14 days before the event — please do not come out.

We will car pool to the events or you can drive your own vehicle.

We will provide masks and gloves to anyone who wants / needs them.

The OTA provides all tools and safety equipment to perform trail work

You will need to wear weather appropriate clothing and sturdy shoes or boots. Please bring a lunch and at least 2 liters of water.

We will meetup at the OTA house at 8:30 am each day and be heading out of the woods by 3:30pm each day.


for more information

please feel free to contact

Terry Hawn

OTA Const and Maint Coordinator



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