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Come spend a day or two  or four as we work on the new reroute at Midco Hollow due to a timber harvest in the area.  NOTE CHANGE:  We will be basing out of the USFS Watercress Campground on the Current RIver in Van Buren.  It is primitive camping with no water or electric and we’ll enjoy campfires, group meals and relish in the new trail we built at the end of each day.

When signing up, please let us know any food restrictions as well as how many days you will be volunteering.

You will be responsible for camping gear, bring extra water, and some meals.  The OTA will furnish tools, safety gear, some meals(will provide which ones in the informational email to be set out to those participating.), and free camping.  Be prepared for all types of weather and if the weather becomes too questionable, we will call it one way or the other.  Let’s get another section of the OT looking great!  Questions, be sure to contact Kathie at kathie.brennan@ozarktrail.com   See you there!!!

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