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If you have a day or 2 to spare — the OTA and Americorp will be working on the Ozark Trail out of Potosi. We’ll be fixing tread, clearing trail for several days\ up and down the northern 5 miles of the OT.

We’ll meet up at the OTA house most days and head out to the work area.

We will be observing a strict covid protocol so no overnight stays at the OTA House as it will be full with Americorps and OTA Trail crew members.

If you have any cold or flu like symptoms, have been exposed to anyone been in with similar symptoms, have been to a medical facility in the last 2 weeks where covid patients might have exposed the facility … please do not come.

On any day you come out, bring a lunch, at least 2 liters of water and weather appropriate clothes and shoes.   The OTA provides all tools and safety equipment.   We will car pool to the work sites.

Each day will be weather dependent so if the weather is bad — might be better to come out another day. We will try and provide notice the day before on any weather cancelation.

We will send out confirmation emails on Friday before to confirm the work week is  a go.

Contact Terry Hawn  – OTA C&M Chair


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