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OT-100 Trail marking and final touch-up, 09/26/2019 08:30:00 AM

This will be a multiple day event beginning on Thursday, Sept. 26 to put the final touches on the trail in advance of the One Eyed Dog 50/100m Mountain Bike Race.  We will be heading out to clear where needed and also taking along a string trimmer or two if we get word of some overgrown areas that were missed.  Join us if you want to do some weekday hiking that includes helping prep for the MTB race.  Camping will be available for volunteers.

Dinner will be provided on Thursday night as well as breakfast for volunteers.  Come spend a day or two

We will meet at Council Bluff Lake campground departing from there. If you have any questions, please contact me, kathie.brennan@ozarktrail.com

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