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Registrations are closed for this event

NOTE:  The OTA is partnering with the Ozark Trail Section Hikers and Backpackers Facebook group as they meet up to do much needed trail maintenance on the Current River section.  If you are a member of the OT SHAB FB group be sure to register through their group site.  IF you are not a member of OT SHAB, please sign up on the OTA Events page.  Kathie will contact those who have registered through the OTA events page.

The following information is from the OT Section Hikers and Backpackers FB page.

Note: The group site is reserved for both Friday and Saturday nights.

Join us at Round Spring (https://www.recreation.gov/camping/campgrounds/234045) to do maintenance on Saturday, September 14. We’re coordinating with the OTA to have its tools available and are also coordinating to have sawyers in attendance. We’ll later provide additional details about the maintenance day.

We’re staying in a group site at Round Spring and Saturday evening we’ll have a fire and BBQ. Andi is providing the meat for all attendees. Please bring a side dish to share, and all beverages, alcoholic or otherwise, are BYO.

There will be showers available to use after the maintenance day so you can clean up before dinner. We’ll coordinate additional details later.

On Sunday attendees can hike, float, or head home.

We have a beginner backpacker trip that weekend as well and we’ve moved it to Round Spring. They’ll hike be Saturday afternoon and will be with us in the evening at the fire and for the BBQ event. Please be sure to try to help answer their questions whenever possible. We want to welcome them to our much-loved OT SHAB time around the fire and ensure they feel included.

More details later, but mark your calendars now! We’re doing this in lieu of a regular backpacking trip in September. The October trip will start at the Peck Ranch TH and head south, so this work will improve your October trail experience.

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