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It’s time to gather the troops and sign up for the 8th Annual Ozark Trail Association Trivia Night!   This is always a great time and a great way to support the work of the Ozark Trail Association’s volunteers!

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Affton Elks Lodge, 6330 Heege Road, Affton, MO 63123


•Ten rounds of ten questions of general trivia as well as questions about the Ozark Trail

•Beer and soda set-ups provided

•Please, no outside alcohol!  We want to be in compliance with the policies

Please feel free to bring your own food spread for your table

•50/50 drawings, an AWESOME raffle and a killer Silent Auction and much more!  We will have a square                     on site for payments.

•8 persons/table @ $20/person

•Set up begins at 4 pm with doors opening at 6 pm and Trivia questions begin at 7 pm.

To reserve a table,  e-mail kathie.brennan55@gmail.com

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