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The event date has changed — The actual event has been moved to Sept 14 from Sept 21, 2024 — so we will do some prep a couple days prior in case we haven’t got it all done.

Sept 12-13th, 2024– One Eyed Dog MTB Race PREP — Council Bluff Lake

We’ll meetup at the DD/Hwy 32 Trail Head parking lot at 9am.  We’ll have tools, weed eaters, chainsaws , blowers and loppers to put the finishing touches on the course for race day.
Wear sturdy work shoes ( preferably hiking boots) , long pants and weather appropriate shirt. Bring a lunch and at least 2 liters of water. We’ll also have cold beverages for the end of the day.

We’ll disperse to various locations on the course to finish prepping for the race

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