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Registrations are closed for this event



Covid has raised its ugly head and we have had to make some changes. This event has been shortened up and we will no longer have Americorps  participating as they ave been pulled into emergency covid response work.

We are still heading down south to Winona to work on the southern OT sections. We’ll be rehabbing tread on the 11 point and clearing any winter storm damage.

Come out for a day or more.

The USFS facility in Winona will be our base of operations and has a kitchen with refridgeration and indoor restrooms.  You can also camp in the surrounding yard.

Stay home if you have tested positive for COVID-19, are waiting for COVID-19 test results, have COVID-19 symptoms, or if you have had close contact with a person who has tested positive for or who has symptoms of COVID-19.

When congregating before and after the event , where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain, face coverings will be encouraged. Masks will be provided to staff and attendees who do not bring their own. Hand sanitizer will be made available and disposable food service items including utensils and dishes will be used. Contact information for all attendees will be collected to support contact tracing.

On the Trail:  With any work on the OT, you need to wear sturdy boots, long pants, dress in layers(plan for weather), bring a backpack to carry your lunch and water ( at least 2 liters) on the trail.  You will be carrying tools on the trail so you need to have gloves and the OTA will provide gloves and safety glasses if needed.

The OTA will provide a dinner or 2 and breakfast.  Please be prepared to provide your meals as backup.

Terry Hawn

OTA Const/Maint Coordinator


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