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Due to recent storm damage — we are shifting this event to Johnson Shutins State Park.  The OTA and Americorps crews will be teaming up in to work  Potosi and then shuttle down to Johnson Shutins State Park Visitor center to work on clearing storm damage and tread repair. We will be down in Winona on another future event.

If you are an OTA certified sawyer we could use a couple extra sawyers and swampers to lead teams out to clear trees. One day or the week if you have the time.. we’d love to have you come down and help.

We’ll be shuttling from the OTA  facilities in Potosi or you can meet us at the JSI Visitor Center on Hwy N.

Bring your sawing duds, saw and safety PPE..we’ll supply the gas and oil and shuttles. Might even be a meal or two in it for you.

As always, we can’t do what we do without you.


Terry Hawn or Kathie Brennan for questions and more detailed info

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