group of people camping on a river bank

Ozark Trail Etiquette

Whether you’re sharing the outdoors with bikers, hikers, or riders, we put together some general trail etiquette guidelines for how to safely share the Ozark Trail with others.

  • Keep groups small to limit your impact on the trail.
  • Always pack out what you pack in.
  • Travel on designated trails, do not cut switchbacks or take other shortcuts.
  • Camp at least 100 feet from the trail and from water and scenic areas. Please leave your campsite so others won’t be able to tell that you have been there.
  • Build a fire only if necessary. Do not encircle fires with rocks and do not build fires on the edges of bluffs, on glades or in caves. Be sure to clear the area of combustible material and make sure you drown the fire completely out with plenty of water before leaving the site.
  • Using Leave No Trace guidelines, bury all human waste at least 200 feet from the trail and from any water. Dig a hole 6-8 inches deep, and cover—the top layer of soil is alive with biological decomposers and they will do the rest of the work.
  • Standard trail right-of-way rules apply.  Bikers yield way to hikers and horses, and hikers yield to horses.  Downhill hikers should yield to uphill hikers..