Highway 21 to Highway A

Click a mile number to see a map of the waypoint.
Trip Mile Description
0.0 Start at Highway A Trailhead. Directions to trailhead
Highway A Trailhead. Located across from the Bell Mountain Wilderness sign.
Highway A Trailhead to Highway A Trailhead Connector — 0.1 miles
0.1 Follow a short connector trail north from the parking lot then make a right, crossing Highway A at the sign to the Bell Mountain Wildnerness.
Highway A Trailhead Connector to Bell Mountain Trail Turn-Off — 2.1 miles
0.6 This low glade is found at a switchback on the trail. If you have some time you can explore to the south for excellent views of Ottery Creek valley.
0.7 Nice valley view, especially a bit off-trail to the south
1.5 There is a small trickle of water here for most of the year that feeds a diverse growth of flowers and grasses. A good resting spot with scenic views of the valley.
1.6 Occasional water. Dry much of the year.
2.1 Bell Mountain turn-off sign. Do not take-- continue straight on Taum Sauk trail.
Bell Mountain Trail Turn-Off to Goggins Mountain Connector (west) — 7 miles
3.6 Beautiful view west from the glades along the southern tip of Bell Mountain. A nice spot for sunsets or to watch the morning mist rise from Ottery Creek and the Middle Fork headwaters.
5.6 Dramatic view south across Padfield Branch valley to Goggins Mountain. A great spot for a break in this large glade complex.
6.1 Padfield Branch crossing area. On the southeast side of the creek you'll find the remants of an old house and shed. If you wander past the shed you'll come to a nice spring. A lot of people camp in this area, so practive Leave No Trace.
6.5 Turnoff from road. If traveling to the northeast along the double-track road, watch for signs! Easy to miss. Watch for markers as the trail takes a right turn off the old jeep road and up Goggins. (TS7)
7.0 2006 tornado damage. This area has been cleared but will prone to weediness for a few years until the canopy can regrow.
8.2 The trail drops down through a steep boulder-strewn area that produces mini-waterfalls after a good rain. You can sometimes find pools of water for filtration, but it's not a reliable spot.
9.1 Pass Goggins Mtn Trail turn-off. Continue straight on Taum Sauk trail.
Goggins Mountain Connector (west) to Highway N Crossing — 4.2 miles
9.2 One of many fine glades on Goggins.
10.1 Nice glade with a west-facing view.
10.5 Open glades with a southwest view. On a clear day you can see Stegall Mountain in the distance, which is on the Current River section.
10.8 Another glade but this one has a great view to the southwest. Can you see Stegall Mountain from here?
10.9 Illegal ATV activity abounds in this area. One of several ATV roads you'll cross on south Goggins
11.6 Walker Branch. Rarely has water, but some people have had luck further to the southeast by the power line crossing of Walker Branch
11.8 Power line crossing. Can be brushy in summer. Trail continues on opposite side of clearing.
13.2 Highway N crossing. Watch for traffic.
Highway N Crossing to Black River Crossing — 2.3 miles
15.3 Trail to the east and southwest is the OT. Check your map if needed. If coming from Highway A, go right. Trail heading north goes to Johnson's Shutins.
15.6 As you approach the Black River follow the OT signs to the right. Watch your step-- it's rocky here. Subject to flooding. If the water is too fast or too deep, head north into Johnson's Shutins and pick up the trail again at the Scour or Highway N TH.
Black River Crossing to Scour Connector (north side) — 2.3 miles
15.8 Delightful bluff overlooking the Black River just north of the switchback.
17.0 The trail weaves its way through numerous rock outcroppings
17.8 Southwest side of scour crossing. The trail runs perpendicular to the scour. Look for signs and rock cairns to navigate. Watch your step through this rocky area.
17.8 Good water source running through scour valley
17.9 Limestone rock overlooking the scour valley with a view of the reservoir. The trail through this rocky area may require a little scrambling, so watch your step.
17.8 Cross the scour and make a right, heading up the hill towards Proffit Mtn.
Scour Connector (north side) to Proffit Mountain Power Lines — 4.9 miles
22.7 Powerline area. Subject to seasonal growth. Continue across to trail on the other side.
Proffit Mountain Power Lines to Devils Tollgate — 4.7 miles
26.4 Taum Sauk Creek. Fairly reliable except perhaps in drought conditions.
Devils Tollgate to Mina Sauk Falls — 1 miles
27.4 Devils Tollgate rock formation
28.3 Mina Sauk Falls. Spectacular, especially after heavy rains. Intersection with Mina Sauk lower loop to the southwest. Consult a map to insure you're on the correct trail.
28.4 At the top of Mina Sauk falls make a left to take the western loop to the top of Taum Sauk.
Mina Sauk Falls to Taum Sauk Mountain Trailhead Connector — 1.2 miles
28.9 Several glades in this area with great views of Taum Sauk Creek valley
29.6 Taum Sauk Mountain trailhead is located 1/4 mile northeast of main trail. Stay to the right, heading towards Highway 21 on the main Ozark Trail.
Taum Sauk Mountain Trailhead Connector to Mina Sauk Loop Connector (east) — 0.3 miles
29.8 Mina Sauk lower loop trail is on your right. Continue straight towards Highway 21.
Mina Sauk Loop Connector (east) to Russell Mountain Trailhead Connector — 2.5 miles
Russell Mountain Trailhead Connector to Highway 21 Trailhead — 3.3 miles
32.3 Russell Mountain trailhead spur to the north. Consult a map to insure you're on the correct trail
34.3 Eastern-most glades on Taum Sauk section.
34.6 Sharp turn, but well-marked. Just keep an eye out for signs.
35.6 End at Highway 21 Trailhead. Directions to trailhead
Highway 21 Trailhead. Has Department of Conservation signage as Claybaugh Branch.
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